Authentic learning tasks and assessment in Physical Education teacher education


  • Menno Slingerland Universidad de León
  • Gwen Weeldenburg Fontys University of Applied Sciences


Palabras clave:

Physical education, Teacher education, 4C/ID model, Learning tasks, Formative assessment, Programmatic assessment


Traditionally, physical education teacher education programs (PETE) prepare pre-service PE teachers through various separate courses and by providing authentic teaching-learning situations where learned knowledge and skills can be applied. However, within this fragmented educational approach a lack of transfer of what is learned in university and what is asked during authentic teaching situations can be observed. In order to better prepare students to become effective PE teachers, Fontys University completely redesigned their PETE program by placing authentic learning tasks at the center of the curriculum. As a consequence, in our assessment program we cover various levels of Miller’s pyramid and make high stakes (summative) decisions at the end of a unit only when preceded by and based on multiple low-stake assessment data points. The low stake data-points inform students on their development and also inform teacher educators on the effectiveness of the educational program and/or their scaffolding or guidance.


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Cómo citar

Slingerland, M. y Weeldenburg, G. (2019) «Authentic learning tasks and assessment in Physical Education teacher education», Revista Infancia, Educación y Aprendizaje, 5(2), pp. 530–535. doi: 10.22370/ieya.2019.5.2.1770.



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